ParaNorman movie cupcakes by Goodie Girls

Movie lovers, take note: Annette Starbuck of Glendale, California bakery Goodie Girls gave a cupcake decorating demonstration at the Hyatt Century Plaza Hotel and made the official ParaNorman cupcake. Photos (except where noted) via this Facebook album. Stay tuned to Cupcakes Take the Cake for a contest themed around ParaNorman and cupcake baking. The movie comes out August 17th, and you can follow @ParaNorman for details. Goodie Girls will be selling ParaNorman cupcakes this week in their bakery. Find out more about Goodie Girls at and on their Facebook page.

photo by @Sean_OConnell on Twitter

photo by @joserodriguezLA on Twitter


whirl + whisk said…
I really want to see this movie! Cute cupcakes
cakes hyderabad said…
Cute cup cakes. I love it.